You could change the file system according to your needs. Type format X: /fs:NTFS /p:1(X is the drive letter of your USB) in the Command Prompt window and press Enter to format USB with the NTFS file system and write zeros to every sector of the drive. Step 1.Type " CMD" in the search box, right-click the search outcome, and click “Run as administrator”. Clear USB with Command Promptįirstly, you can write zeros to your USB drive for clearing all the data with Command Prompt. ✍ Note : Your USB stick will be wiped completely via below two methods, so if there are some necessary data on your USB stick, please back up them first. For this task, there are two methods available. It replaces your regular, regular, readable data with zeros. To permanently clear a USB thumb drive and prevent recovery methods from retrieving information from it, you can write zeros to USB flash drive. Two methods to clear USB drive completely on Windows 10/8/7 Here, we will provide 2 methods about how to clear a USB stick on Windows 10/8/7 completely and minimize the chances of data recovery. They just become invisible to the system and can be easily recovered by a data recovery tool.

Instead, those deleted data and files are still there. However, both methods cannot completely delete data on your USB drive. When it comes to clearing data from a USB pen drive, you may choose to format or delete partition USB drive on Windows 10/8/7 computer. Get some more space: When you need more free space for new data, but deleting unnecessary files does not make any difference, then you can back up required files and clean out your USB stick to get full space.To prevent your sensitive data from being utilized by people with evil intentions, you’d better remove all personal data on the USB drive. Sell or giving to others: If you want to sell or give your old USB to someone else.Reuse: If there are some errors with a USB stick, or your USB stick gets infected by an unknown virus, you can clear your USB to remove them.But after long-term use, you may ask: "How do I wipe a USB on Windows 10/8/7 permanently?" due to the following situations: A USB flash drive is a very common device to store thousands of files.